Welcome to Department of Computer Science at Prathibha, where students undertake studies that offer a well-rounded education in the science & technology. It is an intensive, hands-on approach to computing that can be applied to almost every facet of life.

Computer Science is the most exciting, gratifying, and promising field we can pursue, That is why, at Prathibha, we believe our Computer Science program should not only educate but also inspire you with the joy of computing. Each strikes a balance between conducting world-class teaching, excelling in education, and training students to become leaders in their field.


To groom the students into world class Computer Professionals.


  • To impart quality computer education to enhance logical computing and programming skills.
  • To implement innovative techniques and processes in teaching – learning and evaluation.
  • To further creativity and pursuit of excellence in computer applications.
  • To sensitize a culture of trust, fairness, tolerance and positive orientation.
  • To build life skills through value-based education and service-oriented programme.

UG Courses Offered

  • B.Com (General)
  • B.Com (Computers)
  • B.Com (Computer Applications)
  • B.Sc M.C.Cs (Mathematics, Chemistry and Computer Science)
  • B.Sc M.E.Cs (Mathematics, Electronics and Computer Science)
  • B.Sc M.S.Cs (Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science)
  • B.Sc M.P.Cs (Maths, Physics, Computer Science)

Department Faculty